Success stories

Explore how Relevant Yield helps publishers and networks effectively manage digital advertising revenues. With the Yield platform, ad sellers can streamline processes, automate tasks, and create more profitable strategies, leading to continuous growth and increased earnings.

Success with Prebid Mobile Integration

WetterOnline is a global weather info provider based in Bonn, Germany.

Simplified Header Bidding

SMG operates leading marketplaces in Switzerland.

Streamlined and Optimised Operations

P/Politikens Hus is one of Denmark's leading media companies.

Higher revenue and efficiency

Nextday Media has an extensive portfolio of 100 leading Publishers.

Increased Revenue and Autonomy

Skalden Media is a Hamburg-based consulting agency.

Why Digital Publishers Choose Us?


We offer a one-stop modular SaaS solution for ad sellers, including ad sales reporting, real-time performance analytics and a header bidding manager. You can use all the modules or select features according to your needs. In addition to providing robust solutions, we offer our team's expertise to support you.

Our solutions empower ad sellers to make informed decisions, optimising ad revenue and performance. Our ability to assign revenue to individuals and aggregate buyers across SSPs provides a distinct advantage. We prioritise publishers' revenues and operate independently, ensuring unbiased support for their ad business growth. Any revenue gains from our solutions are the publisher's achievements, so we charge a fixed usage fee instead of taking a share. Transparency is key, with no hidden features or benefits.

Our solutions are designed for seamless compatibility and provide a superior user experience and operational efficiencies. They can be used as standalone solutions or integrated into existing implementations. For example, real-time analytics can be added to your current wrapper. Our tools are highly customisable, and their continuous development is based on market and customer needs.

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